If you have difficulties to relax or fall to sleep this soothing calm and peacful meditation is for you
My name is Narayanjot Singh and I will guide you to fall asleep with this guided sleep meditation for insomnia and gently release your body into a deep rest and renewing sleep.
There are hundreds of good meditation videos for insomnia on youtube. It may be hard to find the right sleep meditation for you. I can provide you to use this guided sleep meditation for insomnia. I composed it just for you.
Hello and welcome to this guided sleep meditation for insomnia.
if you have difficulties to relax or fall to sleep
this soothing calm and peacful meditation is for you
My name is Narayanjot Singh and
I will guide you to fall asleep and gently release your body into a deep rest and renewing sleep
You listen to this meditation as much as you want to learn how to sleep
wake up energized
and avoid insomnia
Bring yourself in a comfortable and relaxed position.
Now, close your eyes and take some deep slow and loving breaths in and out.
Breathe and relax.
hold each breathing in for 3 seconds before letting it flow out easily.
sometimes thougths may arrise between the meditation
and keep you busy
you can invite them gently to simply disapear.
Clear your mind and let everything go.
watch your thoughts float away…
If your mind is still filled with daily thoughts and things you think you have to manage or remember
I invite you to make a list of those things.
write it all down.
You can pause this sleep meditation right here and write it down.
whatever it is,
so you will not forget them.
you will take care of this things later.
But not now.
Now you can allow yourself gently to put this thoughts aside
and put them out of your mind right now.
allow your body to relax
Now it is time to sleep and relax.
I invite you to plant an intention of yourself sleeping
trust in the existing reality,
that all the things you desire are already here.
Yourself falling asleep is already true.
Your wish for comfort is already real.
See the stillness surrounding you peacefully.
just listen to the silence,
the sound of stillness around you.
Allow yourself to observe any stress or fear you are feeling,
things that may keep you awake.
I invite you to allow yourself
to release your beliefs and thoughts in insomnia,
your anxiety and fear.
release all thoughts.
It is now time to relax and fall asleep.
This will happen.
You will fall asleep soon.
Just feel your body relax more and more.
As you listen to this meditation I invite you to open your mind and heart
to this wonderful journey.
Now, take a moment to simply observe your enviroment with closed eyes.
Sense the space around you.
Notice the things surrounding you
perhaps blankets or furniture, your bed…
Notice the sounds arround you.
the music, my voice, your breath.
notice the surface that is below you.
maybe a planket or your bed.
Sense the weight of your body.
feel the gravity of the earth.
Experience mother earth is grounding you
and recharging your system with its devine energy.
Breath in this energy.
Now, I would like to invite you to scan your body
this is the next step of your journey to deeper relaxation and sleep.
Sometimes you might notice thoughts
such as worries or concerns arising
that take your attention away from the meditation,
this is normal.
See if you can redirect your attention back to the body scan,
gently letting go of these thoughts.
release them on your next exhalation
Breathe gently in and out…
As you inhale and exhale,
become aware of your body
I gently invite you to start to scan your body
begin to scan your feet and go all the way up to your head.
as you pass any tightness or tension on your way through your body
bring love and light with your next inhalation to this part
and feel the relief of the tightness and tension with the next exhalation
Conciously relax with every breathing out a little bit more.
If you notice yourself starting to think again about the sensation
or think about something else,
see if you can simply come back to the feelings
and sensations present in your body.
Now, continue to hold your attention to your breath
notice the rhythm you are breathing.
without influencing it.
Let your breath flow easily and in your own natural rhythm.
As you inhale and exhale
relax your eyes,
Soften the area of your eyes and eyebrows with every breathing out.
completly release.
Relax your mouth,
your tongue,
your shoulders,
your arms
and fingers.
relaxe your entire body.
now bring your attention to your back.
relax your back,
your belly,
relax your legs
and your feet.
you feel light.
enjoy this moment of lightness.
Bring your attention back to your breath.
With every breathing out,
bring calmness to your body,
empty your head
and let go thoughts and emotions of your daily life.
If you become lost in thoughts,
just gently guide your attention back to your breath.
Breathe and relax…
Continue breathing in deeply
to ground you peacefully.
Feel your body relax.
Let this body breathe.
see your whole body in its complettness
dive into a deep release of your mind.
dive into a deep sleep.
Now, allow your breath to deepen even further
travel with your breath through your lungs
and from there through your entire body.
you can reach every cell.
Again, sometimes it might happen
that thoughts are crossing your mind.
driving your attantion away from relaxation and sleep.
If thoughts arrise, positive or negative nature,
witness them for a brief moment
and than gently release them
to enjoy a moment of complete silence.
With your wide open mind and conciessnes
remember that in this very moment
there is nothing in need to acomplish
nothing you need to manage
and nothing you need to figure out.
draw you awareness to the very present moment.
neither the past nor the future can be changed right now
all that exists is the present.
the most important thing is to recharge yourself in the very present moment
by laying down and drawing your attention to the space between thoughts.
allow your breath and your attention to root you to the present
by watching your body breathe.
Now, Feel that you are surrounded by higher energy and light.
open your heart to receive this higher energy, which is all around you.
Imagine that you are inhaling this positive energy with every breath you are taking.
With every breathing out you are releasing inner concerns and thoughts.
Visualize a Light above you.
feel how it shines on you.
Like a brigthly shining sun
warm and gently uplifting.
Now take this light and move it into the direction of your crown chakra,
inhale its healing and blessings.
Experience that you are supported by its delightfull guidance and wisdom.
Feel it in the very center within you.
Sense the warm light on the top of your head.
Imagine the energy streaming in through your crown chakra,
down all along your spinal column to your root chakra.
Let yourself soak in these warm rays and devine love of the universe.
Absorb its healing power and life giving energy with every breathing in.
Allow this warm light of universal love to reach your inner core
soak in deeply the love with every breathing in.
feel the warm stream continuesly floating from the top of your head
down your throat,
into your heart, your solar plexus, and your pelvic floor.
while the universal light is reaching every part of your body
sense it glowing in each and every cell.
Feel your cells beeing filled up with more and more love and reiki energy.
with every breath you are taking, you become more vibrant, energized and recharged.
trust in your bodys very own wisdom of how to use the devine energy of the ancestors of the universe.
feel your inner knowldege about how to self-heal and recharge your system
while sleeping and relaxing.
Enjoy this feeling.
Now I would like to invite you to travel through your chakras.
Take a long and deep breath.
As you exhale, move attention to your base of spine, your tailbone area.
This is the seat of your root chakra
it gives you stability and grounding.
Sense your root chakra connecting you to the inner core of the earth.
with your next inhalation
I want you to visualize the color red
in the area of your root chakra.
feel how the red energy is spreading from the ground of the earth to your root chakra and back
see your roots beeing connected to Mother earth.
taking in healing energy and nourishment from the Earth.
See your roots slowly spreading
like glowing tentacles
grounding you in the ‘here and now’.
Feel the Earth supporting your existence.
With the next breathing out
release all the negative energy from your body
and make way for a fresh flow of positive energy.
Stay in this awareness for a moment.
Now, move your attention a little higher to your sacral chakra.
You can find it between your pubic bone and your navel
the sacral chakra is the seat of your creativity, sexuality and passion.
Breathe into your chakra, and see it gently expand like ripples on the surface of a clear blue lake.
See the energy flowing and moving freely in small waves.
You can visualize the color orange in the area of your sacral chakra.
Feel the energized water nourishing and satisfying all your needs.
Rest in the awareness.
I invite you to see both chakras, and feel the support and nourishment of both chakras.
Move your awareness up to your solar plexus chakra.
you can find it in the area between your sternum and navel.
Breathe into your solar plexus chakra and visualize the color yellow.
sense this area filled up with heat
imagine a bright light is shining and
glowing like ember out of your solar plexus.
Feel your inner core becoming stronger by this heat
with every breathing in
feel your self confidence increasing.
allow yourself to spread this strong vibration to each cell of your body.
become more confident than ever before.
Enjoy this moment.
Now see your three chakras with its colors,
red, orange and yellow,
and feel the energy,
easy and steady streaming from your root chakra,
up to your sacral and solar plexus chakras.
Now I invite you in this process of release and sleep
by gently draw your attention to your heart
breathe very softly in and out.
With every breathing in
you feel energy softly floating in, into your heart chakra.
stay with your awareness in the very centre of your chest.
Breathe into your heart chakra,
and visualize the color green.
green, the color of spring and nature
Sense the love and compassion expanding softly in your entire body
by every breathing in.
Imagine the light spreading around until you feel that you have become the light.
Feel the fresh Air renewing your chakra and the color green healing and providing your body.
See your heart expanding and sending love and compassion in all directions
and to all beeings on this planet.
Stay in this feeling for a while.
You can feel your four chakras changing the energy back and forth.
imainge the exchange and streaming of the energy through your chakras,
from the root, to the sacral chakra,
to your solar plexus and your heart chakra.
Now, move up to to your throat chakra
the chakra of self-expression and communication.
Breathe in softly
and visualize the color blue in the area of your throat chakra.
See this light and feel its energy all around you.
Feel your throat chakra opening and clearing,
freeing your ability to express yourself and inner truth.
Rest in the awareness.
Imagine your five chakras communicating with each other.
providing each other with support, strength, love, compassion and inner truth.
With your eyes closed
I invite you now to
bring your awareness to the centre of your forehead.
Look from the inside
to the space between your eyebrows,
often called the 3rd eye chakra.
The 3rd eye chakra is also known
as the place of intuition and imagination.
sink into the silent space between thoughts
and into the vacuum behind your closed eyes.
Visualize a deep indigo light on your forehead
indigo is a color which is also known to be the color of wisdom, knowledge, and spirituality.
feel clarity and understanding
Enjoy this moment of clarity and refreshing energy.
Now see the healing energy floating between your root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat and third eye chakra.
Continue to move up to your crown chakra, at the top of your head,
This chakra connects you with the higher conciousness and divine which is all around you.
Breathe into the crown chakra and feel it opening up to the higher spirits.
Visualize a white light streaming inside you,
through your crown chakra with every breathing in.
Enjoy this moment of the devine truth inside you.
Now see the connection between all your 7 chakras.
Feel them exchanging and supporting each other.
Breathe in and out
See the energy floating with your breath from your root chakra,
to your sacral and solar plexus chakra,
to your heart and throat chakra,
up to your third eye and crown chakra.
Feel the sensation of the moment.
Continue focusing on the breath.
while holding your attention to your breath
again thoughts may arrise
as they do
gently guide them out of your mind with the next exhalation
allow yourself to just gently sleep in peace.
Now I invite you to gently repeat some words in silence
breath this words in and out
slowly, gently and steady
deep calmness flows through me…
I am inviting you now to receive the light and healing energy of the moon.
Recharge your inner core.
Shift to positivity and calmness.
Breathe and relax.
Open your heart and go deep within yourself.
visualize a clear dark blue sky above you and
you can see millions of stars shining above you.
Feel the healing moonlight shining on you.
guiding you to sleep
and protecting you.
As the moonlight touches your skin,
allow yourself to feel the energy flow
slowly through your body.
Imagine the moon light streaming in through your crown chakra,
down all along your spinal column to your root chakra.
Let yourself soak in these nurturing rays and devine light of the moon.
Absorb its healing power and life giving energy.
Allow this healing power of the moon to reach your inner core.
pulsing through your bones
sending healing energy to your organs
and recharging your inner system.
Sense your body glowing with this radiant energy.
soak in deeply the energy of the moon with every breathing in.
feel the warm stream of the moonlight continuesly floating from the top of your head
down your throat,
into your heart, your solar plexus, and your pelvic floor.
while the moonlight is reaching every part of your body
sense its white shining light glowing in each and every cell.
Feel your cells beeing filled up with more and more light and healing power of the moon.
with every breath you are taking, you become more vibrant, energized and recharged.
trust in your bodys very own wisdom of how to use the devine energy of the moon.
feel your inner knowldege about how to self-heal and recharge your system.
Enjoy this feeling.
You are now recharged and energized by the light of the moon.
stay in this feeling for a while.
Sleep and relax….